Giving Youth Athletes The Physical Tools Needed To Exceed In Sport and Life






For most parents, it’s a given that their kids should participate in a wide variety of sports and physical activity to set them up for a healthy life.
The more your young kids can run, jump, hop, swim and enjoy sports, the better.
But, we often think these youngsters are unbreakable and can handle more than us ageing and aching adults…but growing bodies actually are at a heightened risk to injury..
And as the higher levels of sport hours demand more from our kids bodies, the pressure of progress starts to weigh down on them mentally and physically.
We see this all too often…kids are pushed too hard, for too long, until they break…setting them back in their progress rather than forward.
One of the best ways to manage the pressures of multiple sports, training sessions, school and a social life, is to optimise their athletic potential… off the field of play.
This is where WASPs years of athlete coaching experience becomes your child’s ‘secret weapon’.
Teaching athletes to correctly jump, land, run, push, pull and be injury resilient is one of the most valuable tools in a sporting parents arsenal — it can keep them going while the kids around them take time off again and again..
While most athletes simply do ‘more and more training’, our athletes allocate a percentage of their training week to learning how to move well… because prevention is better than a cure.
It’s also one of the best ways to set them up for success as an adult athlete wanting to become professional – they’ll need every advantage they can take, and the pros will expect them to come ready to play.
Our Emerging Athlete Program provides exactly this — an opportunity for young athletes to be proactive, rather than reactive in their development… because the most athletic athletes usually have the best chances at success.

Our Emerging Athlete Program in our Perth training facility is for youth athletes looking for a long term athletic development pathway and a competitive edge against their competition.


Jade – Javelin

The program has really transformed my daughters performance over the past 3 years!

The added strength has really helped her Javelin throwing and she has gone from back in the pack to winning silver at the National Youth Championships! Her whole motivation and attitude to training has completely changed under the guidance of the coaches due to the goals and processes they put in place for her.

Couldn’t rate this program any higher!

Riley – Baseball

My sons speed, athleticism and strength has improved markedly! He has been selected in both U16 & U18 State squads to represent W.A. His running speed and arm strength and velocity have greatly improved over this timeframe. I can highly recommend Daniel Barry and his fantastic team of trainers, who are not only incredibly knowledgeable in their field of expertise but also demonstrate exceptional attention to detail in formulating individual training programs based on each athlete’s requirements. If you are looking for a proven training program for your child that will help them to improve whilst also assisting them to avoid injury, I cannot recommend WASP highly enough!

Evelyn – Athletics

WASP has been awesome to me. Their trainers are exceptional, the overall vibe is great and I have had nothing but good experiences. The staff here is incredibly friendly and extremely qualified! They know how to push you to the limit in the best way possible with your workouts. They Really helped me maximise my strength and speed in my preparation for all my upcoming competitions . Highly Recommend!!

How the program works

Our Emerging Athlete Program (EAP) improves athleticism to support the physical demands of your child’s chosen sport. We help youth atheltes of all levels improve their weaknesses, decrease injury risk, and build strength, power and speed. We are one of the only complete athlete only services available in Perth.

Physio Screening & Performance Testing

Every athlete who trains with us starts by undergoing a comprehensive injury risk assessment and physical performance testing. This helps discover the unique pathway you will be assigned to, that will develop your strength, power, speed and overall athleticism.

Customised Programming

With an insight into where your current athleticism is, we’ll get to work designing your individualised program to complement and fit in with your sports schedule. All your strength and power training, fitness and conditioning, and, sprint mechanics will be customised.

Train in the ADP

Now that your program is designed and coordinated with your schedule, you’re ready to hit the ground running!

You’re now ready to join our small group, coached sessions and get to work under the guidance of qualified and experioenced coaches.

meet our head of performance 

Dan has been involved with professional and amateur sport for 12 years now. He has worked with both junior and senior athletes from local sport right the way to Olympic and National Teams, across sports such as Field Hockey, Basketball, AFL, Swimming, Track Cycling, Volleyball & Combat Sports.

“Laying the foundations of strength and movement is something that I am passionate about, and something that I see as key to not only a high level athletes career, but the everyday sportsperson at all levels.

Previously, these methods and facilities were only available to those that have already ‘made it’ leaving a great divide in young talent development in Australia.

WA Sports Performance endeavours to bridge this gap and give everyone the chance to train like a pro, under the guidance of highly trained professional coaches, to try and realise their sporting dream.”


When your child joins the EAP, they’ll have everything they need to feel fully prepared.
* They’ll be fully supported and supervised every step of the way
* They’ll have increased confidence in their physical ability to perform on game day.
* They’ll have the confidence knowing they’ve ticked every box to avoid preventable injuries

Emerging Athlete Program
  • 5 x Performance Testing and Reporting ($2000 value)
  • Customised Training Plan ($2080 value)
  • Unlimited Team Gym Strength Training and On Field Speed Training ($4500 value)
  • Access to our speed sessions on field
  • Unlimited Use Of Our Recovery Services ($500 value)


per week

*12-Month training package. For shorter durations, extra charges may apply

Get Started

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We’d love to hear from you. We offer services for individual athletes, sports injuries & sports organizations. Tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll guide you to the services that are right for you.

Please leave your phone number in the section below and we'll contact you direct to discuss.
Athlete Program / Youth Athlete / Sports Team Training / Injury Rehab